
Thursday, June 26, 2014


Assalamualaikum semua...maaf saya x rekod sapa saya copy and paste resipi ni but rasa nya dri group FB Resepi Makanan.

Di bawah adalah resepi doughnut ni yang nampak senang sangat dan really cepat naik lenbut and gebu walaupun saya pakai tepung roti instead of tepung gandum biasa.
500g t/gandum
11g mauripan
2sdb planta@marjerin
2sdb susu tepung
1sdb gula
secubit garam

gaul semua bhn kt atas, saya pakai mixer with dough kneader.
bncuh dgn air suam kuku..
uli smpi doh x melekat dtgn…
biar kan doh naik br bntukkn…
then biar kn naik skjp blh goreng…

gaul gula n siap untuk dmakan…


Thursday, June 12, 2014


Buah Bidara

Buah Janggus/ Gajus

Jambu Bola

Jambu Air

Jambu Wangi

Jambu Air family

Jambu Air family

Buah Jentit

Buah Randa/ Keranda

Buah Nam Nam

Buah Gelinggai

Buah Cermai

Buah Serendak

Buah Rambai

Buah Keriang Dot


First time cuba buat bengkang jagung and I am proud to announce I am happy with the bengkang. Sedap la ikut tekak sendiri.

* 250 gm tepung gandum
* 230 gm gula pasir ** ( pakai 100 gm gula putih dan 50gm gula perang)
* 400 ml santan pekat (pakai santan kotak M& S)
* 200 ml air
* 4 biji telur
* 1 tin cream style corn
* 2 camca besar minyak sapi (boleh guna mentega, dicairkan)
* 1/2 camca teh garam
* 3/4 camca teh pewarna makanan kuning
* 1 camca teh esen vanilla

  1. Satukan semua bahan2 di atas kecuali cream style corn. Kacau dengan wisk sehingga semua sebati dan mesra. Tapis dan masukkan cream style corn tadi dan gaul rata.
  2. Panaskan loyang dalam oven. Keluarkan dan sapu dengan sedikit mentega pada loyang, tuang adunan tadi dan bakar pada suhu 180C hingga masak.
  3. Jika menggunakan loyang bakar selama 40 - 50 minit dan jika menggunakan bekas2 kecil, bakar lebih kurang 15 - 20 minit atau hingga masak. Bergantung pada oven masing2.
  4. Bakar lebih masa sikit untuk mendapatkan kuih yang garing/kerak yg lebih.


Buat karipap ni tadi for my buka puasa..mengguna resepi Noraida Durani. I copy and paste tpi ni I dh amend by doubling the recipe. D rumah x cukup buat satu recipe. The kulit karipap sedap dan ranggup walaupun sejuk.

Karipap rangup trbaik - Noraida Durani

Bhn(17 bj brgntung pd saiz)
4cwn tpg gandum* 
1/4 cwn tpg ubi*
1/4 cwn tpg beras* 
1 sdk gula* 
1 sdk garam hlus* 
2sdb mrjerin* 
1/4 cwn myk msk(dpnskn) 
1 1/2 cwn lbh sdkt air ais(anggaran)

Smua bhn brtnda * dsatukn n dgaul rata..kemudian bt lubang dtgh2 tpg n curahkn myk msk yg dpnskn..
gna senduk@garfu ye utk mngacau..klu x trbakar tgn..hehe(myk PANAS)..
kcau rata..msukkn air ais n uli smpi xmlekat dtgn..doh ni mmg elastik n susah nk koyak..
btkn bulat2 kcl..n canai..msukkn inti..kelim..n goreng gna api sdrhana hgga kekuningn..
Catatan Noraida Durani
*resepi ni sya dh olah ye.. 
*jika nk frozenkn..goreng 1/2 msk n frozenkn(sya dh bt..hslnya ttp memuaskn in shaa Allah) 
*yg pntng rangup n xbrminyak

My catatan
Original recipe 1/2 above
Isi bolih pakai apa2 inti yg u suka
Dapat dlam 80 biji karipap

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


  Recipe for Sloppy Joe 

Will update soon

and the potato salad is here.


One day, my brother just whispered to me..I miss this dish..miss mum's it stays in my head for a while until I really was in the cooking mood again..( the mood has long been brooding because my kids do not eat much nowadays..yeahhh everyone's dieting except me :(
I just invited him over for Sunday lunch with the whole family..I felt mighty relieved that everyone enjoyed the food. 

Ayam masak bunga kincam ni is a long time family favorite. My mak menakan called it "Lauk2 Gang Simpang Kuala". Ahaa my hometown and kampong for a long while till both my parents passed and we find it difficult to maintain.
Anyway, this lauk is normally Raya morning food together with the ketupats and gulai daging. Arwah mother will normally cook Nasi tomato to go with it too..sumptious food to me..My mum was really a good cook so as the rest of the mums of her times as most of the time was spend eating at home not like nowadays. I am really in awe of the mums then, good in cooking all sorts of lauks, kuehs and very concern about keeping the heritage food in tact and taught to us the daughters..hahaha not this one who really was never interested at all..what a shame :(
I, for one, learned this because I like to eat this dish..especially the dried lily flowers were the best in this dish.

Here is the recipe

Original Recipe: Hjh Wan Aishah Hj Wan Ismail

1 ekor Ayam,
75-100 gm bunga kincam ( klu suka makan banyak bunga kincam ditambah lagi klu x suka kurangkan), 
20 biji cili kering ( klu nk pedas lagi tambah, klu nk kurang pedas kurangkan)
6 biji cili hidup merah
3 biji bawang besar
1/4-1/2 cawan kicap lemak manis
garam dan gula secukup rasa
Kacang goreng


 1.  Ayam potong 12/16, dibersih, garam kunyit dan digoreng 3/4 masak dan di letak sebelah dulu.
2. Bunga kincam dipotong skit di-ujung dan pangak dan d rendam selama 15 minutes bagi dia lembut dan buang airnya;
3. Cili kering direndam dgn air panas hingga lembut, ditumbuk kasar2 letak sebelah;
4. Cili hidup merah jugak di tumbuk kasar2letak sebelah;
5. Bawang besaq di potong kasar2 dan ditumbuk kasar2 jugak.
6. Panaskan minyak dalam kuali dan tumis cili kering dulu, biar sekejap;
7. Masukkan cili merah dan kacau rata;
8. Masukkan bawang besaq dan kacau lagi biaq bawang besar layu dan mesra dengan cili;
9. Masukkan bunga kincam dan kicap kacau lagi. .biar bunga kincam mesra dengan bahan2 lain;
10. Masukkan ayam dan kacau rata biar selama 10 minutes dengan api kecil dan kacau setiap 2-3 minit;
11. Rasa garam dan masukkan garam dan gula secukupnya.
12. Kacang goreng mentah yang di rendam buang kulit dan digoreng dengan minyak hingga keemasan dan di tabur atas lauk . ( saya x buat sbb Abg saya menghidap Ghout so x leh makan kacang)

( x masukkan garam  dan gula di awal masak sebab ayam dah di goreng bersalut garam dan kunyit dan jugak kicap tu lemak manis)

Bunga kicam kering yang bolih di beli di kedai

Bunga kincam yang fresh..bolih di beli di Cameron Highland dan supermarket .

Makan dengan nasi putih, nasi tomato dan nasi2 yang se-angkatan dengan nya ganti Ayam Masak Merah hahaha...This dish is going to form part of my Raya celebration spread menu.

Masak Itik

Another "Gang Simpang Kuala" dish. Not easily done and not easily forgotten after u have tried it...I have not actually perfected the recipe simply because I forgot what are the original ingredients to this dish. I have made them countless time years ago when my arwah Mak is till around but never really bother because she was around to supervise the makings of this kills me sometimes when I cannot perfect the taste of masak itik, which forms an important part of my young life.

Masak Itik is actually not cook with a duck but a chicken..I guess my arwah Grandmother made them using duck because ducks are tougher and have fats which can stand long cooking techniques..and also we don't eat ducks.

Resepi: Hjh Wan Aishah Bt Hj Wan Ismail
Amended by me...for now

1 - 2kg chicken cleaned and put aside;
4 tbsp jintan manis*
2 tbsp jintan putih*
2 tbsp ketumbar biji*
1 tbsp black pepper *
4 - 6 buah keras*
2 inch ginger*
3 red onion*
4 cloves of garlic*
2-3 asam keping
1 kg santan
salt and sugar 
cinnamon stick, cardomom, star anise and cengkih 

1. Panaskan minyak dalam periok dan tumiskan 4 sekawan 
2. Sebelum ni, blender kan yang bertanda * dan masuk dalam periok yang dh panas tadi;
3. Gorengkan rempah ni sampai wangi;
4. Masukkan santan dan biar mengelegak santannya;
5. Masukkan ayam dan kecilkan api;
6. Masukkan asam keping;
7. Kacau sekali sekala hingga ayam dah masak sambil balik2kan ayam dan kuahnya dah pekat;

P/S: i do not remember whether that is the right combination for the blended ingredients.


1 head of salad *
10-15 small tomatoes, halved ( sorry I forgot the name)*
1 cucumber, cut into rounds*
1 capsicum, cut thinly lengthwise*
2 tbsp olive oil**
juice of half lemon**
1/2 tsp black pepper**
salt and sugar**
Feta Cheese

1. Put the vegetables marked * in a salad bowl;
2. Put those marked ** in the bowl and mix well;
3. Add dollops of feta cheese on top of the salad n mix when serving.
4. Refrigerate before serving.


5 green apples, sliced thinly
2 red chilies, seeded and cut thinly
2 onions halved and thinly sliced
2 tbsp vinegar
salt and sugar to taste

Put all the above in a large bowl and mix well;
Refrigerate before serving.

Monday, June 9, 2014


6 pieces of Puff pastry, about 3 x 3 inch
6 eggs
some chop cilantro/ daun bawang
grated cheddar cheese/mozarella or any cheese that u like
6 aluminium cups

Preheat the oven to 200C for 15 mins.
Line the puff pastry on each cup
Break an egg into each cup over the pastry
Sprinkle with some cilantro and grated cheese
Bake for 10-15 minutes until done..


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