
Thursday, December 20, 2012


churro, sometimes referred to as a Spanish doughnut, is a fried-dough pastry—predominantly choux—based snack. Churros are popular in SpainFrance, thePhilippinesPortugalLatin America (including Spanish-speaking Caribbean islands) and the United States. There are two types of churros in Spain, one which is thin (and sometimes knotted) and the other which is long and thick (porra). They are both normally eaten for breakfast dipped in hot chocolate or café con leche.

 Hehehe I had mine for tea with tea without sugar..mix sizes because I was trying out the consistency and ease to pipe it.

I made 2 recipes of the Churros. Two platefuls of Churros yum kids sat and finish the whole mountain of Churros within less than half hour..hahaha..I tried the original recipe, a bit difficult to pipe and fry..I adjust by adding more eggs to ease the piping of the dough into the frying pan. OMG it is in Malay and I forgot who and which blog I took it from..I think this from my FBfriend. Thanks anyway, made my dream come true :)

Ingredients for one recipe. I made double so I double the recipe.

1 cup of water
100 gm of butter
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs ( instead of 4 eggs I add 3 more to the dough, total 7 eggs)
1 tsp caster sugar
cinnamon powder**
caster sugar ( u can also use icing sugar if u want)**
** for coating the churros


1. Put the water and butter into the pot together with sugar and salt.
2. Let the water boil and melt the butter.
3. Add the flour bit by bit using a wooden spoon.
4. Stir till well mixed and the dough that leaves the side of the pot is formed.
5. Cool the dough for a few minute.
6. Put into mixer and add egg one at a time till smooth and shiny ( consistency to make cream puffs)
7. Heat the frying pan and pour the cooking oil.
8. Scoop into a piping bag with the star or 1M noozle and pipe the dough into the hot oil..
9. Fry till golden and take it out and put onto a paper towel to drain the oil
10. Prepare some caster sugar and cinnamon powder in a bowl. Toss the churros into the sugar cinnamon bowl, shake the bowl to ensure the churros is covered with the sugar and put on the serving plate.

at 4 eggs with 2 recipes - the churros is a bit tough to pipe but crunchy when fried.So the number of eggs added depend on how crunchy/soft u want the churros to be. I ended with 7 eggs but the churros swelled up a bit.
Original recipe in Malay.
1 Cawan Air
100G Mentega
2 Cawan Tepung Gandum
½ Sudu Kecil Garam
2 biji telur
1 sudu kecil gula kastor
sedikit serbuk kayu manis

Cara-Cara Menyediakan  Churros aka Kuih Belimbing:
Tuangkan air dalam periuk dan masukkan mentega, gula & garam.
Biarkan sehingga air mendidih dan mentega cair.
Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit dan kacau rata menggunakan senduk kayu.
Kacau perlahan-lahan dan sekata sehingga adunan tidak melekat pada periuk.
Tutup api dan biar adunan sejuk seketika sebelum dimasukkan talur.
Kerana jika adunan panas, telura akan masak dan churros tidak mengembang
Panaskan minyak.
Masukkan adunan ke dalam piping bag dan guna nozzle bintang.
Paipkan kedalam minyak panas.
Goreng sehingga kuning keemasan.
Angkat toskan minyak.
Gaul bersama gula kastor dan serbuk kayu manis
Enak juga dihidangkan bersama strawberi dan sos coklat.

Try it!!!

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