
Friday, August 3, 2012


Thanks all for the like when I put the image on my FB hehehe.. I know it is the fasting month for some of us..anyway to those who requested for the recipe, happy trying . My sons were whispering would be good if mama can make "Ayam Percik"..uhmm so I ended up browsing the net..I bought this book a couple of months ago and forgot about it till one morning I accidentally drop something nearby and as my head turn, I saw this book on the shelf..aiseyyy..sometimes browsing the net is tiring..could do with some already available from a book. 
This book is titled 300 menu Ramadhan and Syawal published by Karangkraf. 
I think this recipe is a keeper for me and I may add it into my Aidil Fitri menu..insyallah.. 

Bahan2 nya:

1 ekor ayam – di potong 4
1 liter santan ( I only put a 500ml carton santan)
10 gm belacan *
100gm bawang besar*
30 gm bawang putih*
30 gm halia*
30 gm lengkuas*
50 gm cili boh (if u like it hotter just add more)
2 batang serai – diketuk
2 sudu besar tepung jagung – untuk memekatkan kuah jika perlu
Garam dan gula secukupnya

* dikisar bersama

    1. Satukan bahan kisar bersama gula, garam, cili boh dan serai. Gaul rata.
    2. Masukkan bahan tadi bersama santan hingga pekat dan sedikit berminyak. Ketepikan.
    3. Kukus ayam sehingga setengah masak. Kemudian panggang sambil percikkan dengan kuah tadi sehingga masak.
    4. Tuang lebihan kuah diatas ayam panggang sebelum menghidang.

I did not steam the chicken but bake it instead at 200C for 15 mins, then take out and spread a third of the sauce on the chicken and bake again for 15 mins. Then flipped the chicken over and pour another third of the sauce on the chicken and bake for another 15 mins. Again flip the chicken again and pour the balance of the sauce on the chicken. This time increase the temp to 250C for the final 15mins to brown the chicken.

Take out the chicken from the oven, transfer to your serving dish and scrape the balance on the baking tray and pour it over the chicken.

Yes, that’s easy peasy for you and happy trying. I enjoyed it and I know u will.

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