
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Thai Crab curry with pineapple

I was browsing through the net looking for inspiration to cook for buka puasa yesterday and I found something I like from Patyskitchen.  Thanks for the recipe which I have copied and pasted here.Only thing is I have added too much water to the gravy so my curry is a bit watery.

1 kg crab / 1 kg ketam - cleaned and halved
½ pineapple / ½ nenas dipotong nipis
1 turmeric leaf / 1 daun kunyit disiat
5 tbsp cooking oil / 5 sdb minyak masak
2 cup coconut milk / 2 cawan santan pekat
1 cup water /  1 cawan air
2 tbsp fish sauce / 2 sdb sos ikan
Salts to taste / garam secukup rasa

Ingredients to be pounded/Grinded
10 red chilies / 10 biji cili merah
2 lemongrass / 2 batang serai
1”gaangal / 1” lengkuas
3 strig  coriander leaves / 3 tangkai daun ketumbar
10 black peppercorn / 10 biji lada hitam
2 tsp cumin powder / 2 sdt jintan putih
1” turmeric root /1 : kunyit hidup

Heat up oil and sauté the pounded ingredients till fragrant /Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan kisar sehingga naik baunya
Add crab, turmeric leaves, fish sauce, salts and water. / Masukkan ketam, sos ikan, garam dan air biarkan didih seketika
Add coconut milk and pineapple/Masukkan santan dan nenas * Boleh masukkan daun selasih jika suka aromanya

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